Friday, 13 February 2015

22 Sifat Buruk Yahudi Dalam Al-Quran

AL-QURAN banyak menceritakan kedegilan bangsa Yahudi seperti bagaimana orang Yahudi mengingkari perintah Allah SWT walaupun sebahagian besar Rasul dan Nabi adalah dari kalangan kaum itu.
Allah SWT melalui wahyunya dalam Al-Quran telah menggambarkan sifat buruk orang Yahudi yang zalim, membuat kerusakan di muka bumi, dan memusuhi bangsa lain, terutama sekali kaum Muslimin.
Berikut merupakan 22 sifat buruk bangsa Yahudi seperti yang disebut di dalam Al-Quran:
  1. Keras hati dan zalim (Al-Baqarah:75,91,93,120,145,170; An-Nisa:160; Al-Maidah:41)
  2. Kebanyakan fasik dan sedikit beriman kepada Allah SWT (Ali Imran:110; An-Nisa:55)
  3. Musuh yang paling bahaya bagi orang-orang Islam (Al-Maidah:82)
  4. Amat mengetahui kekuatan dan kelemahan orang-orang Islam seperti mereka mengenal anak mereka sendiri (Al-An’am:20)
  5. Mengubah dan memutarbelitkan kebenaran (Al-Baqarah:75,91,101,140,145,211; Ali Imran:71,78;  An-Nisa:46; Al-Maidah:41)
  6. Menyembunyikan bukti kebenaran (Al-Baqarah:76,101,120,146; Ali Imran:71)
  7. Hanya menerima perkara-perkara atau kebenaran yang dapat memenuhi cita rasa atau nafsu mereka (Al-Baqarah:87,101,120,146; Al-Maidah:41)
  8. Ingkar dan tidak dapat menerima keterangan dan kebenaran Al-Quran (Al-Baqarah:91,99; Ali Imran:70)
  9. Memekakkan telinga kepada seruan kebenaran, membisukan diri untuk mengucapkan perkara yang benar, membutakan mata terhadap bukti kebenaran dan tidak menggunakan akal untuk menimbangkan kebenaran (Al-Baqarah:171)
  10. Mencampur adukkan yang benar dan yang salah, yang hak dan yang batil (Ali Imran:71)
  11. Berpura-pura mendukung orang Islam tetapi apabila ada di belakang orang-orang Islam, mereka mengutuk dengan sekeras-kerasnya (Al-Baqarah:76; Ali Imran:72,119)
  12. Hati mereka sudah tertutup akan Islam kerana dilaknat oleh Allah SWT yang disebabkan oleh kekufuran mereka sendiri (Al-Baqarah:88,120,145,146)
  13. Kuat berpegang pada semangat kebangsaan mereka dan mengatakan bahawa mereka adalah bangsa yang istimewa yang dipilih oleh Tuhan dan meyakini agama yang selain daripada Yahudi adalah salah (Al-Baqarah:94,111,113,120,135,145; Al-Maidah:18)
  14. Tidak akan ada kebaikan untuk seluruh manusia jika mereka memimpin (An-Nisa:53)
  15. Tidak suka, dengki, iri hati terhadap orang-orang Islam (Al-Baqarah:90,105,109,120)
  16. Mencintai kemewahan dan kehidupan dunia, bersifat tamak dan rakus, menginginkan umur yang panjang dan mengejar kesenangan serta takut akan kematian (Al-Baqarah:90,95,96,212)
  17. Berkata bohong, mengingkari janji dan melampaui batas (Al-Baqarah:100,246,249 Ali Imran:183,184; An-Nisa:46)
  18. Berlindung di sebalik mulut yang manis dan perkataan yang baik (Al-Baqarah:204,246; Ali Imran:72; An-Nisa:46)
  19. Mengada adakan perkara-perkara dusta dan suka kepada perkara-perkara dusta (Ali Imran:24,94,183,184; Al-Maidah:41)
  20. Berlaku sombong dan memandang rendah terhadap orang-orang Islam (Al-Baqarah:206,212,247)
  21. Tidak amanah dan memakan hak orang lain dengan cara yang salah (Ali Imran:75,76; At-Taubah:34)
  22. Selalu melakukan kerosakan dan menganjurkan peperangan (Ali Imran:64). [foren]

Thousands attend funeral for Muslim students shot in Chapel Hill

By: Nicky Woolf
SourceThe Guardian
On a soccer field lent for the occasion by North Carolina State University, thousands gathered for the funeral of three Muslim students killed in a brutal attack on Tuesday.
Deah Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha and her younger sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha were killed in the couple’s apartment in Chapel Hill in what family members have called an “execution-style” hate-crime. Barakat, 23, and Yusor, 21, were newlyweds. Razan was 19 years old.
That the three were beloved by the community is clear. At least 3,000 people attended a candlelit vigil on Wednesday night, while officials confirmed that 5,500 people were at the funeral Thursday afternoon.
In an interview with the Guardian, Suzanne Barakat – Deah’s older sister – tearfully paid tribute to the three young victims. “Any time I saw them, they were happy,” she said, her voice wracked with grief. “They were inspiring. They all loved each other so much.”
Nouman Siddiqui, a family friend of the victims spoke to the crowd, saying that these were “heavy, heavy times”. He asked those present to pray for the victims and their families.
Muammar Dahnoun, the imam of the mosque who was performing the funeral, led the crowd in afternoon prayers.
Mohammad Abu-Salha, the father of the two young victims, then took the stage. “I’ve talked to police, I’ve talked to lawyers,” he said, his voice almost a shout, his body shaking slightly with emotion. “This has ‘hate-crime’ written all over it.”
The victims’ upstairs neighbor, Craig Hicks turned himself in on Wednesday, and has been charged in connection with the killings.
After the service, the silver coffins containing the bodies of the young victims were carried aloft from the field to cries of “Allahu Akbar”, a Qur’anic phrase often repeated by Muslims meaning “God is great”.
They were taken by car to a Muslim cemetery in Wendell, North Carolina, a drive of around 22 miles. In Jaguars and taxis, in Fords and Toyotas, in pickup trucks and old Mercedes, a vast convoy followed them to the burial site – every car flashing its hazard lights in a salute.
Walid Eltaraboulsi, a friend of Barakat, was one of those who joined the vast ad hoc procession. He told the Guardian that the vast turnout had moved him, and served to show the kind of people the three victims were, saying that Barakat’s tireless volunteer work had led and inspired him to do the same.
As earth was poured into the graves, a brief flurry of rain turned still more briefly into snow as the crowd chanted the final prayer for the dead.
Suzanne Barakat told the Guardian that for her, as well as for the wider community, the tragedy was amplified by its apparent senselessness. “It’s inconceivable that three beautiful, kind, giving, nice people would be murdered – execution style, with a bullet to the head, with intention to kill, in their own home,” she said.
“I have no words to explain how we feel.”
Sameer Abdel-Khalek, a family friend of Barakat, spoke to the Guardian after the bodies had been laid to rest, and said the day had been a whirlwind of emotions, from feeling numb to bursting into tears.
He said that he felt “inspired” by the reaction and solidarity both of the Muslim community, and of the wider community.
“At the end of the day,” he said, “it shows the light that persists even in darkness. You can only gauge the darkness by the light; and this light has overtaken the darkness that has befallen us.”

Palestinian embassy opens in Sweden

The first-ever Palestinian embassy in Western Europe has opened in Sweden on Tuesday evening, the Swedish prime minister’s press service said. President Mahmoud Abbas has arrived in Stockholm for the event.
“Your recognition…should push forward negotiations in the peace process,” Abbas said.
Prime Minister Lofven has vowed aid to Palestine, but has also called on reforms.
“There are challenges: we must help one another to fight corruption, increase gender equality, improve respect for human rights, and of course continue the state building process,” Lofven said.
Under the newly signed deal, Sweden’s financial help to Palestine will grow by 1.5 billion kronas (US$179.74 million) over the next five years.
Palestine has diplomatic missions in countries that either recognize or partially recognize it as an independent state.
Until Tuesday, Palestine had a General Delegation of Palestine in Sweden, based in Stockholm.
On October 30, Sweden was the first Western EU member (and 135th of the world’s 193 nations) to officially recognize Palestinian statehood. Britain, France, Spain and Portugal followed suit.
The plan to recognize Palestine was criticized by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who said that Prime Minister Lofven “must understand that neither declaration nor move by an external player will replace direct talks between the sides that will be part of a comprehensive accord between Israel and the entire Arab world.”
Following the move, relations between Sweden and Israel soured, and deteriorated even further early this year, when Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom called off a visit to Israel in January.
At the time, Israeli media cited Lieberman as saying that he did not want to meet Wallstrom, and that she wasn’t welcome on an official visit to Tel Aviv.
Late last year, the European Parliament also voted to recognize a Palestinian state in principle, with a total of 498 MEPs voting in favor.
On December 30, an official bid for Palestinian statehood was submitted to the UN Security Council. However, the UNSC failed to adopt the Arab coalition’s bid for the creation of a Palestinian state.
A total of 135 countries recognize Palestine – including several Eastern European nations, which did so before joining the EU.
The Palestinian ambassador to Russia has praised Sweden for taking a “huge step” towards Palestine’s broader recognition in Europe.
“This is very important to us and we hope this trend to recognize Palestine as a state continues in Europe and that other countries within the EU will also recognize us. Sweden made a huge step in that direction,”Fayed Mustafa told Sputnik.

Pengalaman Seorang Tawanan : Apabila Bercerita Tentang Al-Qassam

Pengalaman Seorang Tawanan : Apabila Bercerita Tentang Al-Qassam
Ini adalah sebuah kisah tentang tentera Al-Qassam seperti mana yang diceritakan oleh Gilad Shalit, seorang tentera Zionis yang pernah menjadi tawanan kepada tentera Al-Qassam selama lebih 5 tahun. Gilad mula ditawan oleh tentera Al-Qassam pada 25 Jun 2006 dan kemudiannya dibebaskan pada 18 Oktober 2011 dalam sebuah perjanjian pertukaran tawanan penjara antara Hamas dan kerajaan Zionis, di mana seramai 1027 orang Palestin yang berada di dalam tahanan Zionis dibebaskan sebagai tukar ganti kepada seorang tentera Zionis, Gilad Shalit.
Gilad Shalit berkata, “Aku dapat menghidu udara dan aku dapat melihat matahari, dan aku tahu aku sedang berada di atas muka bumi, aku tak tahu nama seorang pun dari mereka kerana mereka memanggil sesama mereka dengan ‘Hamas satu, Hamas dua..’, Aku membaca surat khabar dan mendengar radio, dan makanan yang disediakan untuk aku sungguh lazat”.
Dia menambah lagi, “Aku akan merasa kehilangan (rindu) kepada beberapa orang warden penjara (anggota Hamas), aku belajar banyak tentang Islam semasa dalam tempoh aku ditawan dan aku telah membaca banyak buku, aku tidak mendengar sebarang perbualan rahsia antara mereka, mereka semua memakai topeng dan berinteraksi sesama mereka dengan bahasa isyarat”.
Dia menyambung lagi, “Ada seorang doktor datang kepada aku, dan memeriksa kesihatanku secara berkala, dia memakai uniform tentera Hamas, dan aku berjanji kepada mereka bahawa aku tak akan membawa senjata lagi bagi menentang orang-orang Palestin”.
Gilad menyempurnakan kisahnya, “Selepas 2 hari aku ditawan, mereka memberitahu aku bahawa mereka tidak akan membunuh mana-mana tahanan walau apa pun yang terjadi, mereka menjaga uniform tentera aku tetapi aku menolak untuk memakainya pada masa tersebut, aku tidak pernah diseksa dan aku tidak pernah dipukul walau sekali pun. Tetapi aku menangis dengan banyak sekali ketika permulaan kata-kata mereka semasa dalam tempoh soal siasat”.
Gambar yang dipaparkan adalah keadaan Gilad Shalit semasa masih dalam tawanan tentera Al-Qassam yang didedahkan oleh pihak Hamas pada 2 Oktober 2009.
Info tentang perjanjian pertukaran tahanan penjara Gilad Shalit pada tahun 2011 :
Diterjemah dan diolah oleh Aman Palestin.
Sumber : غزة الأن

China Stifles Uighur Muslims on Religion

WASHINGTON – Restricting their freedom to mosque worshipping, Chinese authorities are imposing stifling restrictions on Uighur Muslims to practice their religion.
"What we found is there is a bewildering number of regulations that Uighurs face every day,” Henryk Szadziewski, a co-author of a study on the situation on Uighur Muslims, told a panel discussion in the US Congress cited by Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Thursday, May 30.
“There is confusion and people are not too sure what is legal and what isn't.”
The study, by the US-based Uighur Human Rights Project, listed a series of repressive government measures against Uighurs in the northwestern Xinjiang region.
It found that Uighur Muslims are not allowed to enter mosques if they were under 18 years or employed by the government.
The restrictions are further tightened during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, when Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset.
During the holy month, restaurants are forced by local authorities to stay open during the day.
The study, which is based on witness interviews, also said that government workers are also pressured to eat during the fasting month.
It also revealed that Uighur Muslims wearing Islamic attire as veils or growing beards are banned from entering certain buildings as public assistance offices.
"The fact is that even customary practices are being questioned," Szadziewski said.
The study called on China to end its restrictions and to allow an independent Islamic scholar body as well as to include Uighur representatives on bodies that govern religion.
Uighur Muslims are a Turkish-speaking minority of eight million in the northwestern Xinjiang region.
Xinjiang, which activists call East Turkestan, has been autonomous since 1955 but continues to be the subject of massive security crackdowns by Chinese authorities.
Rights groups accuse Chinese authorities of religious repression against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang in the name of counter terrorism.
Muslims accuse the government of settling millions of ethnic Han in their territory with the ultimate goal of obliterating its identity and culture.
Analysts say the policy of transferring Han Chinese to Xinjiang to consolidate Beijing's authority has increased the proportion of Han in the region from five percent in the 1940s to more than 40 percent now.
Chinese authorities, however, play down complaints of Uighur Muslims in the fear western region.
"There is mutual respect by Han cadres and ethnic minorities, and we are friends,” deputy Xinjiang governor Shi Dagang was quoted as saying by Reuters.
“When we go into their houses as guests we are treated to meat and wine, with song and dance.
"The ethnic minorities are simple-hearted and honest, very kind and unaffected. They love guests," he added.
"I hope people don't have misapprehensions and go to Xinjiang and see for themselves."
Last month, 21 people were killed in clashes in the heavily ethnic Uighur part of Xinjiang near the old Silk Road city of Kashgar.
Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi, was also the scene of deadly violence in July 2009 when the mainly Muslim Uighur minority vented resentment over Chinese restrictions in the region.
In the following days, mobs of angry ethnic Han took to the streets looking for revenge in the worst ethnic violence that China had seen in decades.
Chinese authorities had convicted about 200 people, mostly Uighurs, over the riots and sentenced 26 of them to death.
Beijing views the vast region of Xinjiang as an invaluable asset because of its crucial strategic location near Central Asia and its large oil and gas reserves.
Betapa 'rasis' dan zalimnya kerajaan Cina
URUMQI, Xinjiang
Para Imam di wilayah ini dipaksa menari dan bersumpah untuk mengajar kanak-kanak dengan ajaran Islam.
Mereka juga dipaksa untuk bersumpah bahawa rezeki mereka adalah ditentukan oleh CKP dan bukan dari Allah swt.
Umat Islam di sana juga dihalang berpuasa Ramadan dan dilarang bertudung kepada wanita.
Jangan lupakan saudaramu di Xinjiang !

URUMQI – In another crackdown on religious freedoms, China has forced the imams of eastern Muslim majority district of Xinjiang to dance in the street, and swear to an oath that they will not teach religion to children as well telling them that prayer is harmful to the soul.
During the incident, reported by World Bulletin on Monday, February 9, Muslim imams were forced to brandish the slogan that "our income comes from the CKP not from Allah".
State Chinese news said the imams were gathering in a square in the name of civilization where they were forced to dance and chant out slogans in support of the state.
The slogans included statements glorifying the state over religion such as 'peace of the country gives peace to the soul’.
They also gave speeches telling youth to stay away from mosques, and that the prayer was harmful to their health, encouraging them to dance instead.
Female teachers were instructed to teach children to stay away from religious education and made to swear an oath that they will keep children away from religion.
Uighur Muslims are a Turkish-speaking minority of eight million in the northwestern Xinjiang region.
Xinjiang, which activists call East Turkestan, has been autonomous since 1955 but continues to be the subject of massive security crackdowns by Chinese authorities.
Rights groups accuse Chinese authorities of religious repression against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang in the name of counter terrorism.
Last November, Xinjiang banned the practicing of religion in government buildings, as well as wearing clothes or logos associated with religious extremism.
In August, the northern Xinjiang city of Karamay prohibited young men with beards and women in burqas or hijabs from boarding public buses.
Earlier in July, China banned students and government staff from observing Ramadan fasting, as officials tried to encourage locals in Xinjiang not to wear Islamic veils.